Apps For Charities

Charity APP

Improve Engagement For Your Charity

A mobile app is a great way for charities to engage with the people they help, their supporters, fundraisers and staff.

We understand that your charity may struggle to communicate to your community due to the lack of a centralised platform that’s why a charity app is ideal. Piota’s charity app provides a centralised streamlined solution to engage directly to your donors, supporters, volunteers and staff.

Why choose a charity app?

  • Centralised communication platform: Streamline communication with supporters, volunteers, and staff.
  • Enhanced outreach: Reach a wider audience with news, updates, and resources.
  • Improved donor engagement: Facilitate donations, recurring giving, and fundraising campaigns.
  • Strengthened community: Foster a sense of connection and belonging among supporters and beneficiaries.
  • Efficient volunteer management: Assign tasks, track hours, and manage volunteer schedules.
  • Interactive content sharing: Share photos, videos, and other multimedia to engage your audience.
  • Timely updates: Deliver important information and alerts through push notifications.
charity apps - school app features
charity apps

Effortless Volunteer Management

  • Streamlined volunteer management
  • Easy communication and task assignment
  • Time-saving for charity staff
  • Informed and engaged volunteers
  • Improved efficiency and impact
  • Task assignment and tracking
  • Recognition of volunteer contributions
  • Enhanced sense of community and belonging
  • Increased volunteer involvement and commitment

Engaging your Patrons

Staying engaged with patrons has never been easier.

Traditional fundraising with potential backers have become increasingly challenging. Piota’s charity app allows you to connect with and keep your patrons informed about your initiatives, the impact you’re making, and how they can contribute to your mission.

charity apps

Our app has enabled us to stay engaged with children and their families during the pandemic, and deliver music videos to them so they can sing and learn together from home

— Rachel Pantin
Joint Artistic Director, Musiko Musika

Improve Communication For Your Charity

Everything In One Place

Communication apps provide an instantly accessible information hub. Whether users need to check the time of the event, the detail in an alert you sent, the latest news or make a payment, simply “Put It On The App”. No more hunting for information through email inboxes, texts or website menus.

Push Notification Messages

The most direct way to contact people. Whenever you update an event or news item, send out a permission form or issue a one-line reminder, you can add an alert to it with a push notification to all users, selected groups or individuals. The excuses culture (“I didn’t know the swimming gala was happening last night”) will disappear!

Improve Engagement

Quickly send out dynamic content such as photos, video or feedback surveys along with fast reply options to maximise response rates. Your users can filter content on the app so it’s always relevant to them. The result is a focused stream of rich information and happier users.

Reduce Time And Cost

An app can do everything that a website, email or text can do and more. Plus it’s all in one place, allowing you to streamline your communications dramatically. First collect together all of your newsletters, policies, news stories, the calendar, documents, letters home, forms, contacts, feedback surveys, general information, social channels and more on the app, then start to rationalise your other channels.

Forward Thinking

People want a smart, branded system which is quick, simple to use and makes their lives easier. If you find a combination of email, website, text and social media is no longer working for you, Piota (Put It On The App) is a mobile app specialist with the answer. Please get in touch!

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Get a free trial of our communication app & see how you can streamline communications and increase engagement for your organisation

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Get a free trial of our communication app & see how you can streamline communications and increase engagement for your organisation

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Get a no-obligation quote for a communication app for your organisation