Keeping parental engagement easy

Parental engagement is essential in school life, as headteacher Tina Oliva notes in Education Business.

Tina Oliva from St John Evangelist Catholic Primary School highlights the benefits of effective parental engagement and explains how a dedicated school app has improved communication with parents.

The article details how the school shifted from traditional methods—letters, texts, and phone calls—to an app that enables instant communication with the entire school community. Consequently, this transition has streamlined communication and saved the school valuable time and money.

Additionally, Daniel Beazer discusses how parents have responded to this new communication method, especially regarding event updates and school photos.

“One of the most popular features is celebrating the children’s successes. When a school team achieves something or a child accomplishes a noteworthy task, we share it via the app. In this way, we effectively promote our school community’s successes and keep parents informed about their child’s learning experiences and progress.”

“The school went straight from text and paper communication to a mobile app, skipping the email stage. I’m glad they did this; emails would likely get lost in spam, preventing us from knowing what our children are really doing during the school day.”

You can read the full article about the school’s parental engagement journey and the app’s benefits on Education Business here:

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