How could you save money with a school management software?

Here’s a tough question for you. How financially efficient is your school?

Put another way, what proportion of your school’s spend per pupil goes directly to teaching and learning? Whatever your number is, the chances are you’ll want it to be higher. One area where schools can overspend is administration and printing costs. Despite the world of technology at our fingertips, schools are still spending more on printing than they do on IT, with the average school spending £60,000 a year on printing.
Some schools get through as much paper as 1,000 sheets per student per year. Some of this printing is necessary. But so much still gets wasted. Letters home crumpled and forgotten in school bags. Lost handouts that need re-issuing. If you’re looking for an alternative, then a custom built school app from Piota could be the solution!
Our custom built school apps: school management software, are designed to help schools cut costs and improve communication between staff, pupils and parents. Here’s how schools are saving money with Piota.
Instant notifications to parents – free of charge
Push notifications are a cost effective and more powerful alternative to SMS text messages. Nayland Primary School has found that their Piota school app lets them get urgent messages to pupils’ parents:
“In the past we have used a text message system for urgent notes to parents. That system charges the school per text. Now we can use the Piota app for free.
“We have also reduced the amount of paper we send out – all our notes and letters go on the app..” – Deputy Headteacher, Nayland Primary School
Saving on administration costs while improving efficiency
Normally, cutting costs results in more work. Westfield Primary Academy has found that their Piota school app allows them to save money while having an even better school communication system.
“The app has saved the school money in administration costs and has enabled us to send out information to parents in a quick and efficient way.” – Headteacher, Westfield Primary Academy SWAT
Send more whole-school letters while spending less
How much does your school spend on whole-school newsletters? When Baysgarth Secondary School did the maths, they realised that it was far cheaper to invest in a custom built school app/school management software.
“We are a paperless school and use electronic communication to contact parents. The app has elevated this and enables us to reinforce the email messages we send out by sending instant push notifications to parents.
“This has significantly reduced the cost of postage and text messages. The annual cost of the mobile app is very low; it actually costs us more to send out two whole school letters! It saves us money on postage, paper, printing and labour for enveloping and stamping the mail.” – PA to Headteacher, Baysgarth Secondary School
No photocopying costs to communicate with parents
One of the biggest drains on a school budget? Photocopying.
Lexden Springs Primary School found that their custom built school app allowed them to send information straight to parents without having to photocopy anything.
“The app has saved us money. It is so quick to get the information out to parents. No photocopying newsletters – just straight out to the target audience.” – Office Manager, Lexden Springs Primary School
Save money with your custom built school app
We know that a Piota school app could save you money. In fact, we are so confident that we are happy to offer you a free trial of your school’s custom communication app. If you’re interested, then just click here to arrange a no-obligation consultation and demonstration.

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