Stay Connected with Community Apps

Our apps are a powerful, easy-to-use solution designed to streamline communication for your group or organisation.

Whether you’re managing a football team, a church, or focusing on digital wellbeing, our apps are built to bring people together and keep everyone in the loop.

Community Apps
Community Apps

Helping you solve common communication issues

  • Missed Updates: Important announcements often get lost in emails or social media noise, leaving members uninformed and disengaged
  • Complex Communication Channels: Juggling between emails, social media and texts can be overwhelming and inefficient
  • Member Engagement: Keeping people actively involved and informed requires consistent and accessible communication
  • Wellbeing Focus: Organisations promoting digital wellbeing struggle to find tools that balance connection without overwhelming users

How we can help

Our community apps are designed to tackle your challenges head-on, offering a seamless solution to keep your group connected.

  • Centralised Communication: With Piota, everything is in one place, so members never miss an update again. Whether you’re using a football team app or a church app, our platform ensures key information reaches everyone
  • Customised Features: Tailored for each community, Piota’s apps offer tools for managing schedules, sharing important news, and fostering engagement, from football club apps to those promoting digital wellbeing
  • Engagement-Boosting Tools: From polls to push notifications, keep your community engaged and involved. With our app, creating a strong community connection has never been easier
  • Wellbeing Focus: We understand the importance of balance, which is why our apps ensures users stay connected without feeling overwhelmed by digital overload
Community Apps

Improve Communication With Customisable Community Apps

Explore how Piota’s community apps can help your football club, church, or wellbeing initiative thrive.

Don’t see the right app for your community? We can still help – get in touch 

Improve Communication For Your Community

Everything In One Place

Communication apps provide an instantly accessible information hub. Whether users need to check the time of the event, the detail in an alert you sent, or the latest news, simply “Put It On The App”. No more hunting for information through email inboxes, texts or website menus.

Push Notification Messages

The most direct way to contact people. Whenever you update an event or news item, send out a permission form or issue a one-line reminder, you can add an alert to it with a push notification to all users, selected groups or individuals. 

Improve Engagement

Quickly send out dynamic content such as photos, video or feedback surveys along with fast reply options to maximise response rates. Your users can filter content on the app so it’s always relevant to them. The result is a focused stream of rich information and happier users.

Reduce Time And Cost

An app can do everything that a website, email or text can do and more. Plus it’s all in one place, allowing you to streamline your communications dramatically. First collect together all of your newsletters, policies, news stories, the calendar, documents, forms, contacts, feedback surveys, general information, social channels and more on the app.

Forward Thinking

People want a smart, branded system which is quick, simple to use and makes their lives easier. If you find a combination of email, website, text and social media is no longer working for you, Piota is a mobile app specialist with the answer. Please get in touch!